Our Classes Mitcham

Baby Girl
Baby Boy
Moms With Babies

Parent & Baby Classes Mitcham

In our Parent and child lessons you and your child will be taught the following skills which will help develop your child’s physical, social and emotional development in the water.

Our Parent and child classes are taught by children’s age as opposed to ability and as your childs water confidence grows the more swims they will participate in it generally takes up to 3-4 sessions for children to start enjoying the lessons. From the age of 3 years and above children are then taught without the parent in the water.

Submersions will be taught subject to your childs confidence in the water.

Please see what to expect from our classes below:

(0 - 1 years old)
  • Parent and baby understanding of commands used in the water
  • Various submersions using the correct commands
  • Floating positions
  • Underwater Swimming unaided
  • Introduction to kicking
  • Sitting entries into the water
  • Nursery rhymes

This class is suitable for children from birth to 1 years old. For children aged 1 year and above you will need to attend our PC-INTERMEDIATE classes.

(1 - 2 years old)
  • Various Submersions using the correct commands
  • Numerous swims from the teacher to parent
  • Underwater Swimming unaided
  • Kicking and Paddling exercises
  • Jumping into the water
  • Diving into the water
  • Shock submersions
  • Retrieval of an object underwater
  • Nursery rhymes

This class is suitable for children from 1-2 years old. For children aged 2 years old and above you will need to attend our PC-ADVANCED classes.

(2 - 3 years old)
  • Various Submersions using the correct commands
  • Swims on top of the water
  • Retrieval of an object from the bottom of the pool
  • Practicing using the following equipment
    • Noddles
    • Backpacks
    • Arm bands
    • Floats
  • Preparing your child and building confidence in the water for when they enter the water without an accompanying adult (3 years and above)
  • Jumping into the water unaided
  • Diving into the water unaided
  • Nursery rhymes

This class is suitable for children from 2-3 years old. For children aged 3 years old and above you will need to attend our DSA STAGE 1 classes.

Swim School Classes

Our DSA STAGE 1-PRE-CLUB classes are suitable for children aged 3 years and above. Each level has a specific criteria that children should be able to meet in order to attend that class. Children will enter the water unaccompanied by an adult and are for children of all abilities from complete non swimmers to competition swimmers.

Students at Mitcham and Perseid are moved to the next level when their teacher feels they are comfortably able to complete the required criteria to progress. Children at Wimbledon College are moved once they have been tested by our Pool manager at the pool.

Certificates are emailed to customers when children move to the next level.

Please see what to expect from our classes below:

(3 Years+) (0-5 metres)
(White Caps)
  • Backpacks/armbands are compulsory until children are deemed confident without
  • Safe entry and exit from the pool
  • Confidence building
  • Demonstrate the correct body position on front
  • Breathing and blowing techniques (face in the water)
  • Kicking exercises
  • Paddling exercises
  • Unaided Swimming (depending on individual ability)
  • Introduction to Backstroke
  • Jumping
    • Star Jumps
    • Pencil Jumps
  • Sitting Dives
  • Floatation
    • Star Floats
    • Pencil Floats

In order for children to move into our DSA STAGE 2 class they will need to be able to push and glide from the poolside kicking a minimum of 5 metres unaided returning to the poolside Swimming 5 metres demonstrating a Paddling and Kicking action with their face in the water and being able to breath independently.

(3 Years+) (5-10 metres)
(Red Caps)
  • Safe entry and exit from the pool
  • Swimming with alternate arms on front
  • Maintaining a straight and fast leg kick on front
  • Chin in the water to breathe eyes in the water to blow
  • Correct body position on back
  • Straight leg kicking on back
  • Alternating straight arms on back
  • Jumping
    • Star Jumps
    • Pencil Jumps
  • Floatation
    • Star Floats front and back
    • Pencil Floats front and back
    • Mushroom Floats
  • Retrieval of objects from pool floor
  • Sitting Dives

In order for children to move into our DSA STAGE 3 class they will need to be able to swim a minimum of 10 metres unaided on their front demonstrating alternating arms lifting the head out of the water to breath and putting the face in the water to blow whilst keeping the correct body position and a strong leg kick. Children will also need to swim 10 metres unaided on their back showing the correct body position with straight legs and alternating arms trying to squeeze their ears.

(3 Years+) (10-25 metres)
(Orange Caps)
  • Safe entry and exit from the pool
  • Maintaining the correct body position and leg kick on their front
  • Demonstrate an understanding breathing to the side on their front
  • Long alternating arms coming out the water on their front
  • Practice the correct timing of the stroke on their front
  • Correct body position showing a strong leg kick with pointy toes on their back
  • Demonstrate an understanding of their thumb exiting the water 1st and little finger entering the water 1st on their back.
  • Jumping
    • Star Jumps
    • Pencil Jumps
  • Floatation
    • Star Floats front and back
    • Pencil Floats front and back
    • Mushroom Floats
  • Retrieval of objects from pool floor
  • Kneeling Dives

In order for children to move into our DSA STAGE 4 class they will need to be able to swim a minimum of 15 metres unaided on their front demonstrating the breathing arm and blowing arm technique whilst maintaining a good position and strong leg kick . Children will also need to swim 15 metres unaided on their back Demonstrating an understanding of their thumb exiting the water 1st and little finger entering the water 1st whilst maintaining the correct body position and a strong leg kick.